Mutual Divorce Petition

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Ghaziabad is home to a highly knowledgeable population that is acutely aware of the needs of its clients and has an extensive understanding of the subject. Turning things around is never too late, and we are committed to giving our customers the finest possible service. Legal Raahi's divorce attorneys have established a culture of openness and trust in their business interactions. With the best divorce lawyers in Ghaziabad, we can handle all of your needs, whether they involve starting a divorce case in India or ending one in another nation.

The Methodical Approach to Getting a Mutual Divorce in Ghaziabad

  • Step 1. To help you both avoid problems on the road, draft a settlement agreement that details the matters of maintenance/alimony, child support, custody, shared property disposition, etc.Create the divorce petition with mutual consent.
  • Step 2. Submit the joint divorce petition; document the remarks made in court regarding the initial motion.
  • Step 3. Before the second motion is recorded, if circumstances warrant, apply to waive the required six-month cooling-off period. This stage, however, encourages the judge's reasonable discretion and is highly dependent upon the circumstances surrounding the case.
  • Step 4.
    1. Note the remarks made in response to the second motion.
    2. Obtaining the divorce decree's certified copy.
    3. In steps, the Contested Divorce Process in Ghaziabad.

Difficulties couples engaged during divorce

It can be a difficult, depressing, confusing, and stressful period in a person's life when a relationship ends. We guide our clients through all of their available legal alternatives while protecting their privacy. We can assist you with family law issues, including separation and divorce, child custody, and remedies for domestic abuse.

Most people view divorce as a terrifying process that requires multiple court appearances. Our best divorce lawyers in Ghaziabad are committed to ensuring that the proceedings run as smoothly as possible. We provide knowledgeable direction and workable solutions that are customized to meet the needs of each individual.

We have incredibly gifted, informed, and experienced attorneys who handle all facets of matrimonial litigation, such as maintenance disputes, judicial separations, and divorce. You can obtain expert advice on a range of subjects, such as property and financial issues, as well as child custody. Because of our staff of top Ghaziabad lawyers, we can offer you the best legal assistance for your specific needs.

An eligible Hindu marriage must conform to the following requirements

If the following requirements are satisfied, any two Hindus can become married under Section 5 in the HMA.

  • Neither partner had a living spouse at the point of the marriage;
  • At the point of the marriage, neither spouse:
    1. Is insane and unable to provide legitimate consent, or is insane and unable to give it valid consent.
    2. Has been experiencing mental health issues to the point where they make them unfit for marriage and parenthood, even though they can give informed permission; or
    3. Has experienced frequent episodes of insanity.
  • The bridegroom was [twenty-one years] old when they got married, and the bride was [eighteen years] old;
  • The individuals are not in a prohibited relationship, provided the custom or tradition that governs each one of them allows for marriage between them.
  • The individuals are not spindles of one another unless their respective customs or uses permit a marriage between them.

Get A legalraahi Service

At LegalRaahi, we recognize the importance of understanding and navigating industrial disputes. Our experienced lawyers are here to provide guidance and support, helping you navigate these complex legal matters with expertise and efficiency.

Ghaziabad divorce attorney

The following is a breakdown of the Mutual Consent Divorce process for your convenience:

  1. The terms and conditions of the divorce must be mutually understood and agreed upon by the husband and wife.
  2. A mutual consent petition is developed based on the settlement and agreement. Such a petition is submitted under the Hindu Marriage Act, Section 13B. See Indian Divorce Act, Section 10A, Christian Marriages. According to Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act, civil or secular marriages.
  3. A divorce petition with the parties' agreed-upon parameters of settlement will be drafted.
  4. The petition for a mutual consent divorce must be filed with the court as part of the legal proceedings.
  5. The matter will be heard in court, and parties must typically appear in person and have their statements recorded.
  6. Following the statement recording, the first motion will be approved.
  7. The court allows the parties to rethink their choice for six months. In general, this is referred to as the cooling stage. A second motion has been prepared.
  8. The previous actions must be taken again. The parties' statements will be recorded once more.
  9. The court will issue a pass order, judgment, and divorce decree following the execution of the statement. We are Ghaziabad's top divorce attorneys.

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