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Cheque Bounce Lawyer Service in Gurgaon

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Cheque bounce, which is covered by Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, is not a crime per such, but it may result in one. The banking lawyer Gurgaon (also known as a cheque bounce lawyer Gurgaon) is required to serve the opposing party with a legal notice in the event of a cheque bounce.

Duties of Cheque Bounce Lawyers in Gurgaon

  • 1. Legal Assistance. Attorneys represent and advocate on behalf of their clients in a variety of legal matters, whether they be individuals or organizations.
  • 2. Advice on legal matters. Attorneys help clients understand their privileges and responsibilities by providing them with knowledgeable legal counsel on certain legal matters.
  • 3. Investigation and Evaluation. To create compelling arguments and solutions for their clients, attorneys thoroughly investigate and evaluate statutes and court cases.
  • 4. Drafting legal documentation. Legal agreements, including wills, petitions, and contracts, are prepared and reviewed by lawyers.
  • 5. Both mediation and negotiation. Attorneys mediate disputes and negotiate settlements with opposing parties to resolve issues outside of court.
  • 6. Representation in Court. In court, attorneys represent their clients by introducing evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing orally in front of juries and judges.
  • 7. Counseling for clients. Attorneys give their clients continuing legal advice, updating them on the status of their representation and recommending the best line of action.
  • 8. Maintain Confidentiality. High ethical standards must be upheld by attorneys to protect client confidentiality and loyalty while upholding professionalism and integrity in their practice.

Procedure for handling cases involving bounced cheques in Gurgaon

  • If a cheque bounces, the other party must get notice of the transaction from the bank within thirty days of the date the memo about the failed cheque was received.
  • The cheque holder ought to claim the total amount for which the cheque bounces in the demand notice, giving the claimant fifteen days to settle the outstanding balance.
  • After receiving the notification, the opposing party had fifteen days in which to resolve the dispute; if the money gets paid within the allotted time, the fifteen days are over and there is no longer a basis for action.
  • The owner of the cheque may file an accusation of criminal conduct before the relevant court beyond 30 days following the conclusion of the aforementioned 15 days if the other party fails to resolve the situation or disregards the demand notice.
  • The Complainant must file within the court's jurisdiction where he maintains his home bank branch.
  • If the aforementioned complaint is filed beyond the required 30-day time has passed, the complainant must make a request for a court order to excuse the delay. The court may grant the request if the complainant provides a valid justification and supporting documentation. It can be accepted at no cost or cost.
  • Following the Hon'ble Court's admission of the case, the complainant is required to submit verification under Cr. P.C. § 200. Should the court find the complainant's verification satisfactory, it may proceed with legal action against the accused or opposing party.
  • After receiving the summons, the accused must appear before the Honorable Court. He may request bail from the Court, and his plea may be entered that day or the following.
  • If the accused does not appear in court on the scheduled date, the complainant may apply for the issuance of a warrant against the accused. The Honorable Court may do so if it determines that the summons was properly served to the accused at his or her last known address and that the service was lawful.
  • The complainant may be directed to request for a new summons to be issued at their new address, if available, or at the old address through the relevant police station if the Hon'ble Court is not pleased with how the accused was served with the summons.
  • Following the recording of the plea, the complainant must submit an affidavit of proof by the following date. The document might be shown in court that day or on the next scheduled date.
  • Following the accused's or his attorney's cross-examination of the complainant, the court may record the accused's statement pursuant to section 313*.
  • After that, the issue is tabled for discussion, and an order is made either that day or the following.

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